Tracks and scat
Guest presenters provide interesting and informative presentations about a variety of nature topics. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from September to June. Meetings take place at the Mapleton Rotary Lodge at 7 pm.
When possible, field trips are organized on a monthly basis, are often located within 1 hour’s drive from Moncton, and are often scheduled on a Saturday.
Workshops have been on a hiatus since before the pandemic. The Activities committee is working to resume this type of event in the near future.
Wednesday Night Walks take place on Wednesday evenings during the summer months. The walks tend to be at a leisurely pace, as we take time to explore whatever interesting life there is to see. This year, we plan to visit paths and trails such as Mill Creek Nature Park, Salisbury Highland Park, the Ducks Unlimited impoundment (Upper Coverdale), Sackville Water Retention Ponds, Mapleton Park, and other locations soon to be confirmed. More precise meeting instructions and further details about trail conditions will be published closer to the event. Should we be rained out, we have a Plan B: a movie night, on Zoom!
The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is North America’s longest-running Citizen Science project. Nature Moncton has been leading the Christmas Bird Count for the Moncton area since 1960!